Tuesday, 22 May 2007

Whose idea was this?!

Dear all.

OK. Here's the (we)b log. Destination South(ern hemisphere) American. Two pedal-pushers and a tent from the equator (Quito) to the end pointy bit (Patagonia) . Easy navigation - just go south. If we go uphill to the east we'll be going up an Ande(an mountain); if we go west and get wet feet that's the Pacific. So best to stick with Due South. We depart Blighty Tuesday 21 August, return Easter 2008. More details to follow...

Clive (scribe)
Liz (editor)


Hazel said...

Thought I'd surprise you with a comment as I've just found your blog! Have a wonderful time, forget about work, and just remember to keep in touch, so that I can share some of the fun!
Hazel x

PhilRiding said...

Bon voyage! We're listening in!

Jotaman said...

Have yourselves a fantastic time and keep us boring old farts up to date with much more interesting things!

Goodluck and a bientot

Mike and Sue

Stephen said...

How can you leave when summer is just round the corner (Hah!)? Keep the blog going as we will be checking and lumocolouring the map.

Bon chance.

Stephen and Sheryl

Wiltsbob said...

May the wind be always at your backs, and may your puncture outfits remain unopened. Have a great trip!

Bob, Gail, Jacob and Oliver

Carl said...

Hope you have arrived safely. Have a fantastic few months! Good luck!